/ Skin Rejuvenation

Skin Rejuvenation

Oct 17, 2013


Skin rejuvenation means different things to different people. However, in general, most associate it with a one-time procedure that results in smoother, fresher, more youthful skin or a “less tired” appearance.

There are many options when it comes to skin rejuvenation. Dermatologists tend to assess the patient’s individual needs and create a customized treatment plan. Issues people commonly want to address include wrinkles, volume loss, pigmentation, texture and sagginess.

There are different procedures you can have at a dermatologist’s office, but maintaining an effective homecare regimen is critical.

We recommended the following regimen to our patients, consisting of a morning and nighttime routine.


1) Antioxidant Serum
Antioxidants protect against UV damage by neutralizing free radicals (agents that cause premature aging). They have the added benefit of stimulating collagen production.

2) Sunscreen
Including a sunscreen in your daily regimen is critical. Make sure the sunscreen is broad-spectrum (protects against UVA and UVB) with an SPF of at least 45.


1) Retinoid
Retinoid helps with cell regeneration and stimulates collagen production in the dermis. This helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

2) Hydroxy Acid Serum
Hydroxy acids exfoliate, resulting in smoother skin that glows.

3) Moisturizer
Use moisturizer to hydrate the skin and restore moisture loss.

New products on the market have revolutionized the way we cleanse skin. The Clarisonic Skin Cleansing System, for example, is a novel product that’s essentially a sonic toothbrush for your face. It improves skin’s appearance, perfecting texture and pore size and increasing the absorption of skin care products.

In the office, many treatment options are available depending on your condition and goals.

Botox is a product that, when injected, targets fine lines and wrinkles. It works by affecting the communication between nerves and muscles, causing them to relax. When performed by a qualified medical professional, Botox results in a softer, refreshed appearance without the frozen face look.

As skin ages, the face can sink, sag or wrinkle. Fillers are injected in these areas to restore volume. When used in combination with Botox, the improvement can be quite remarkable.

Finally, there are a variety of laser treatments for skin rejuvenation. These can improve pigmentation, address skin texture and promote collagen synthesis.

If you’re interested in pursuing skin rejuvenation, visit your dermatologist, who can assess you and tailor a personalized approach. Some treatments require care, so it’s important follow the guidance of a professional who has the experience and know-how to treat you properly.

Dr. Davindra Singh is lead dermatologist and president of AvantDerm, www.avantderm.ca, a full-service dermatology clinic located in Toronto’s historic Distillery District. This modern, custom-designed facility is home to the first Ethnic Skin Institute in Canada and the city’s first Rapid Access Clinic.


Dr. Davindra Singh


Dr. Davindra Singh, is the lead dermatologist and founder of AvantDerm, a dermatology clinic based in Toronto, Canada. As our Beauty Rx expert, Dr. Singh sheds light on the all important, while clearing up various misconceptions of the world of dermatology with a special focus being the South...


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