/ Publisher's Message, Summer 2012

Publisher’s Message, Summer 2012

May 15, 2013

Effort = Personality!

One of my favourite psychologists is German humanistic philosopher, Erich Fromm from the last century. His ideas on “personality” evolution have intrigued me for years. One of my all-time favourite quotes is a statement he once made: “Man’s main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is. The most important product of his effort is his own personality.”

Throughout my own evolutionary journey, I have combed every state of mind I’ve ever experienced that memory has willingly or unwillingly archived over the past four decades. Why you may ask? Well, to pinpoint what has made me feel strong, weak, infallible, vulnerable, love, hate, and everything us humans at one time or other (through freedom of choice or force majeure) experience. And what have I discovered? That for every preface is a volume of chapters that follow. For every chapter, there is an accumulative effect that may arise yet another set of chapters or culminate in an epitaph, only to beckon another preface; so the journey continues. I guess that’s the point right? The journey not the destination as they say. The journey to know self, to find ‘personality.’ As Fromm rightfully stated, achievable through ‘effort’, derived through active participation in life.

Speaking of ‘effort,’ this past spring brought with it, an active decision to clean sweep my system with a comprehensive detox program as part of this issue’s ‘Health & Wellness’ theme. Customised and created by well-known, New York-based health strategist, Angel Luis, his VIDA Detox program led me on a 21-day intensive journey of vegan-based heath shakes, natural ingredients pills, diet guidance and optimizing adjunctive activities. Read my experience on pg. 92 to discover why I recommend this particular program hands down, for all of you who are looking to detox this season, or just looking to learn more about what detox actually is and its associated benefits to overall well-being.

And, let’s not forget this issue’s OPEN CHEST cover story (pg. 24) with my dear friend, the fabulous, Freida Pinto, who chats candidly about her journey through her incredible film career so far. From the point of obscurity three years ago when she was catapulted onto the global radar with her first film, Slumdog Millionaire, to her most recent offering, Trishna, (theatre-wide release on July 13th), Freida discusses what she considers her successes and failures, and how they have led to her personal self-discovery – ‘effort’ = ‘personality!’

Until next time, always remember to

Raj Girn

Raj Girn


Raj Girn is an award-winning media personality, confidence coach, consultant and mentor. Bio: https://www.theopenchestconfidenceacademy.com/about/our-founder/ Testimonials: https://www.theopenchestconfidenceacademy.com/about/testimonials/


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